This area of learning concerns exploring and investigating the natural and man-made world. Give them safe access to the outdoors, taking them on walks to parks and places of interest such as museums and galleries. They are never too young to enjoy seeing sculpture and paintings and it is essential that they learn from the earliest time to value creative arts and expression. They should be taken to free museums to learn about the past and to a range of galleries to explain contemporary as well as ancient cultures.

Also, take them to visit city farms and zoos so that they can learn about domestic and wild animals. Help them to understand where they come from, and the conditions in which they flourish. By taking an interest in live animals, they can make associations with the animals and environments that they read about in books and stories. Real experiences broaden their comprehension, as well as their ability to develop caring and sympathetic attitudes to living creatures.

Improve their knowledge of technology by teaching them to use a wide range of electronic equipment as well as develop an interest in how they work by allowing them to take old circuits or old clocks apart so that they can inspect their innards. Taking things apart and putting them together again, or not, stimulates interest and curiosity. It is not destructive to take things apart, it is technical and scientific exploration and should be valued as such.